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The debate continues regarding whether taking CBD oil while pregnant is safe or ill-advised. The FDA says you shouldn’t, period. However, many women have doubts about that claim. For years, CBD and other cannabinoids were persistently demonized as gateway drugs, when that clearly was not the case.

Any sort of medication, supplement, or nutritional choice during pregnancy or while breastfeeding is bound to be closely scrutinized and judged. Even doctors can’t all agree whether or not you should cut caffeine completely, or if an occasional glass of red wine is beneficial or detrimental during pregnancy. 

For some carrying a baby can come with many unpleasant symptoms and side effects; it’s no wonder that many women seek relief while enduring nine months of drastic changes to their bodies. 

Pregnancy can cause mood swings, nausea, pain, stress, anxiety and sleeplessness – all of which are well known to respond to CBD oils. So, should you or shouldn’t you use CBD oil while pregnant?

Before we tackle that question, we should make sure there’s a clear understanding of what CBD oil is, and what it isn’t.

Disclaimer: If you are interested in taking CBD while pregant or nursing, it is recommended that you first consult with your healthcare professional.  

What’s CBD?

CBD is cannabidiol, a chemical compound known as a cannabinoid. The human body makes endocannabinoids, and certain plants make phytocannabinoids. These are extremely similar in how they interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS).

Phytocannabinoids are found in abundance in the Cannabis sativa plant. The US government classed all cannabis plants as illegal for decades, claiming it was so dangerous that it needed to be on the list of most controlled substances in the country.

The reason for this was the existence of another cannabinoid, tetrahydrocannabinol, also known as THC. THC is psychoactive, meaning it works through the ECS to interact with receptors in the central nervous system, causing chemical effects in the brain. These effects can cause paranoia or euphoria, and are generally associated with “getting high”. 

However, as more and more people demanded access to cannabinoids like CBD, the government relented and divided cannabis into two separate classifications. One is legal at the federal level, while the other is not.

On the one hand, we now have strains of Cannabis sativa classed as industrial hemp. At most, these plants can contain 0.3% THC and cannot get you “high”. They are loaded with CBD, and contain other non psychoactive cannabinoids. CBD derived from industrial hemp is legal at the federal level. 

On the other hand, we have marijuana, which is any plant with more than the trace amount of 0.3% THC. Marijuana is not legal at the federal level. At the state level, it has varying levels of legality, depending on where the location is and what the intended dosing is for.

CBD and other cannabinoids, as well as terpenes and flavonoids (more beneficial compounds found in plants, which also control smell and taste) can be taken by people suffering from a wide range of issues. These compounds are generally extracted from industrial hemp, and then infused into a carrier oil or manufactured into gummies. 

Top Benefits of CBD Oils

Research has shown that there is scientific support for CBD in relation to the following wellness concerns

Stress and Anxiety

Many people take CBD as needed or even as a daily routine to help manage symptoms of anxiety and stress. CBD is reported to help people feel more relaxed and ease, delivering a calming effect that is beneficial to state of mind and physical wellbeing. Women seeking these benefits may find it helpful to take CBD in the morning or in the evening to help themselves destress and relax.

Interrupted or Poor Sleep

Taking CBD in the evening before bed significantly improves sleep patterns for some people. Women struggling to get comfortable or stay asleep through the night could find some relief with a small dose of CBD as part of their nightly routine. When the body and mind are well wested, it helps you feel healthier, more level-headed, and happier. 

Bodily Discomfort

Nothing is worse than being uncomfortable and feeling that you can’t do much about it. Pregnant women who need alternatives to traditional medications often turn to CBD to reduce discomfort levels. When the CBD interacts with the ECS, it can alter the signals being sent to the brain, calming overactive receptors and delivering soothing relief. 

Heightened Inflammation

Another benefit of CBD is its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Women experiencing heightened levels of inflammation may find that CBD appears to reduce these levels, making them more comfortable. This may be helpful in dealing with all kinds of pain and discomfort, from swollen ankles to muscle aches and pains. 

Reduced Appetite or Nausea

Morning sickness and loss of appetite are two common complaints. Many women find CBD to be helpful if they experience a lack of appetite or recurring bouts of nausea. It’s hard to stay healthy when you can’t eat or keep anything down. In this regard, CBD can be a game changer, better enabling you to enjoy meals and benefit from the food you’re eating. 

Skin Conditions

Hormones and changing body shape can lead to stretch marks, itchiness, and dry, flaky skin. CBD oil is often used by women as a topical to help alleviate these annoying symptoms, but there is some evidence that taking CBD by mouth can also improve skin health.  

Hair Loss or Damage

Another symptom that often affects women during pregnancy is brittle, fragile hair. This can be caused by hormones, stress, immune response, or anxiety. Since CBD oils can help with many of these issues, it may be helpful in dealing with hair loss by extension. 

Why Do Expecting Moms Want to Take CBD Oil?

There is no-one more hyper aware and concerned about their baby’s health than an expecting mother. However, we live in a time where pregnant women are subject to scrutiny regarding any and every choice that might affect their unborn child. 

Nonetheless, many expecting mothers take CBD oil to help manage the side effects of pregnancy, whether that’s nausea, sleeplessness, or stress. This is a deeply personal choice, and every woman must make the decision about what is best for her and her baby.

It’s also important to examine the risks with nuance. After all, doctors often prescribe medications with proven risks, assuming the benefit outweighs the risk. For example, anti-nausea medication is prescribed often to pregnant women who can’t stop throwing up, but those prescriptions come with an entire host of known risks. 

Big names like the FDA, the CDC, and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) say not to use cannabis products, “including CBD”, although their warnings are related to THC use. 

To be fair, their argument against CBD is based on the fact that there is still very little research available. Most research on the topic deals more with the risks posed by THC and marijuana, rather than CBD oils.

However, research regarding women who take CBD oil while pregnant is scarce, mainly because of the expenses and unknown factors involved in such a trial. There is also a lack of participants, since many women don’t publicize that they take CBD due to fear of being judged by others.

This lack of concrete information leads many expecting women to rely on their peers for advice, many of whom are vocal about how CBD helped during their own pregnancies. There is a wealth of anecdotal evidence from people saying how much easier their lives were with the help of CBD. 

These women self-report that CBD may help alleviate many common pregnancy complaints such as:

  • Morning sickness (nausea and appetite loss)
  • Mood swings (irritability, anxiety, and stress)
  • Aches and discomfort (related to body changes and weight shifts)
  • Gastrointestinal problems (such as bloating and gas)
  • Sleep issues (such as insomnia or broken sleep patterns)

For many people, the track record for CBD as a harmless option for non-pregnant persons leads them to believe that it will also be harmless during pregnancy.

A major piece of evidence for this is that CBD is a natural extract, and considered safe and non-addictive by organizations like the WHO. If an organization with global recognition has already pointed out the harmlessness of CBD, it might be time for the US to reconsider its stance and begin exploring the benefits of CBD oil for expecting mothers. 

Is It Risky To Take CBD Oil While Pregnant?

There is conflicting advice on this topic all over the internet. On the one hand, there are those who say any risk at all is completely unacceptable. These people insist on a completely “clean” lifestyle, and advise against pregnant women even taking an anti-inflammatory like Tylenol. 

On the other hand, many women don’t want to simply endure discomfort, pain, nausea, and sleepless nights, all while growing and carrying another person. Everything in life comes with risks, and some feel that it is necessary that they should suffer for months, all because of a risk that could be smaller than walking across the street. 

Again, this is a deeply personal choice, and one only the pregnant woman should be making. There is no evidence that CBD oil is always completely safe, and no evidence that it’s a danger, either. 

The best thing to do is research the topic carefully, talk to your doctor or midwife about what they believe, and take into account any existing risks you may already have with your pregnancy.

Choosing a CBD Oil Vendor

If you do decide to try CBD oils, here are some of the things you should look for in a vendor.


Are the CBD products being sold correctly labeled? You should look for the word industrial hemp, and the guarantee that the product contains less than the legal limit of 0.3% THC. The vendor should be able to provide proof of third party testing, and a batch report for the product you are buying. 

At Yummy CBD, we source all of our CBD from organically grown industrial hemp, and all of the documentation is available via QR code on every package, so you can shop with confidence.


There are three types of CBD oils: isolate, broad-spectrum, and full-spectrum. CBD isolate has just what it says on the tin – or rather, the bottle – just CBD in a carrier oil. Broad spectrum can have other cannabinoids, as well as terpenes and flavonoids. Full-spectrum CBD contains all compounds from the flower and leaf of industrial hemp, including the trace amount of legally permitted THC. 

At Yummy CBD, we specialize in full-spectrum products because of the “entourage effect” – CBD works better when it’s accompanied by all of the other chemical compounds from the plant.


CBD oils can vary widely when it comes to dosage and the total amount of CBD in an entire packaged product. In most cases, the label will tell you how much milligrams (mg) of CBD are in a milliliter (mL) of oil.

Yummy CBD oils come in two different strengths. The daytime oil has 33 mg of CBD per mL, and the sleep version has 67 mg of CBD per mL. The bedtime version also has 1 mg of melatonin per mL, a natural supplement added to help promote sleepliness. 

Taking Yummy CBD Oils

The best and most effective way to take CBD oil is to stick the dropper under your tongue and depress the bulb. Then hold the oil under your tongue for about one minute, so it seeps into the sublingual tissue and enters the capillaries.  

Sublingual application is the fastest way to get CBD oil into the bloodstream, so it can start taking effect as soon as possible. Most people say they feel a difference in just 30 to 60 minutes after their dose, although it can vary from person to person.

The two CBD oil options we currently have available are formulated to be safe, effective, and palatable enough to hold in your mouth.

Orange Zest CBD Oil 

The original CBD oil tincture can be taken anytime you need to reduce stress or anxiety, want to relax, or are in discomfort. The dropper makes it easy to adjust your dose, and you can take it any time of day, with or without food. 

Mellow Mint CBD Oil

The “sleep” CBD oil formula was specifically designed for taking at night, so you can get better, more restful shut-eye. The small amount of melatonin helps the CBD work even better. Just remember that this option has double the CBD as the original version, so don’t get the bottles mixed up.    

Ready to try CBD oil? Visit our SHOP page, or, if you have more questions, check out our Buyer’s Guide.
